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Stuart Kettell

Stuart Kettell's Fundraising Page

After travelling a gruelling 1000 miles on his penny farthing Stuart Kettell has achieved his Lands End to John O’Groats challenge for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Stuart Kettell rides from Lands End to John O'Groats on a Penny Farthing

Stuart had the Penny Farthing made by Mesiceks and it boasts a 52" solid tyre but misses out the luxury of brakes or suspension. Stuart had a GPRS system fitted so his route could be followed live by logging on to his website. Stuart and his supporters have since joked that a SAT NAV would have been more useful as he tried to navigate himself through the 1000-mile long journey. The hills proved to be particularly difficult with no breaks and Stuart had to pedal backwards frantically to slow down. The height of the penny farthing meant Stuart got blown off several times during windy weather resulting in various bruises and scrapes but he met some amazing people along the way who spurred him on. Their messages of support and donations (so far totalling L5,200) have been overwhelming.
Visit www.willthemadfoolmakeit.co.uk for updates and also forthcoming news about his 2009 challenge in a kayak!

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