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Georg Heger

Georg Heger started on the 1st of april 2009 and arrived on the 11th of april on the Isle Langeoog.
The daily route was between 50 and 100 kilometers long and alltogether he drove approximately 600 kilometers.
The route went along the river Rhine from Speyer to Mainz, Koblenz, Bonn, Cologne. Then he took the train from Cologne to Münster and went futher along the Dortmund-Ems-Canal via Rheine, Meppen, Papenburg, Emden and then along the North Sea coast to Langeoog.

Měsíček & Co. | Čeložnice 145 | 696 51 Čeložnice | CZ | Tel./Fax: +420 518 617419 | mesicek@mesicek.cz